Aiming for awesome April holidays?
Wondering what to celebrate in April after Easter?
Here are hundreds more special days and observances, each with a hashtag to share on social media, to engage your followers and grow your audience.
You’ll also find dozens of historical observances and U.N. remembrance days that provide opportunities to educate.
Over 500 April fun holidays and national days, including month-long, multi-day, and daily April holidays.
Get ready for a shower of celebrations…
How to Use April Hashtag Holidays
Wondering how hashtag holidays fit in your social media strategy?
Your followers don’t want to hear about your business constantly – but they love to interact with and share entertaining posts! It’s important to mix up your social media content types if you want to retain and grow your followers.
Start by setting a social media strategy for the month with these April marketing ideas. Then use the special days listed below to inspire engaging content.
Don’t forget to copy and paste the holiday hashtag to use on Instagram and Twitter to increase your reach.
Baffled by #hashtags? Learn more about how to use hashtags on social media.
Month of April 2024 Holidays and Observances
A spectacular 76 month-long holidays for April! Find one relevant to your business or cause and plan a campaign.
This collection of April quotes can also inspire engaging social media posts.
Or you can jump to daily holidays.
April’s birthstone is diamond and the birth flower is peony.
The fruit of the month is papaya, and the color of the month is cayenne, a spicy, warm pinkish red.
Canine Fitness Month #CanineFitnessMonth
Celebrate Diversity Month #CelebrateDiversityMonth
Customer Loyalty Month #CustomerLoyaltyMonth
Dog Appreciation Month #DogAppreciationMonth
English Language Month #EnglishLanguageMonth
Global Astronomy Month #GlobalAstronomyMonth
Grange Month #GrangeMonth
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Awareness Month #IBSAwarenessMonth
International Black Women’s History Month #BlackWomensHistoryMonth
International Guitar Month #InternationalGuitarMonth
Keep America Beautiful Month #KeepAmericaBeautifulMonth
Lawn and Garden Month #LawnAndGardenMonth
Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month #MathematicsAndStatisticsAwarenessMonth
Month of the Military Child #MonthOfTheMilitaryChild
Move More Month #MoveMoreMonth
National 911 Education Month #National911EducationMonth
National African American Women’s Fitness Month #NationalAfricanAmericanWomensFitnessMonth
National Alcohol Awareness Month #AlcoholAwarenessMonth
National Arab American Heritage Month #ArabAmericanHeritageMonth
National Autism Awareness Month #NationalAutismAwarenessMonth
National Cancer Control Month #NationalCancerControlMonth
National Cannabis Awareness Month #CannabisAwarenessMonth
National Car Care Month #CarCareMonth
National Card and Letter Writing Month #NationalCardAndLetterWritingMonth
National Child Abuse Awareness Month #ChildAbusePreventionMonth
National Couple Appreciation Month #CoupleAppreciationMonth
National Decorating Month #DecoratingMonth
National Distracted Driving Awareness Month #DistractedDrivingAwarenessMonth
National Donate Life Month #DonateLifeMonth
National Fair Housing Month #FairHousingMonth
National Financial Literacy Month #FinancialLiteracyMonth
National Foot Health Awareness Month #FootHealthAwarenessMonth
National Fresh Celery Month #NationalFreshCeleryMonth
National Frog Month #NationalFrogMonth
National Garden Month #NationalGardenMonth
National Grilled Cheese Month #NationalGrilledCheeseMonth
National Heartworm Awareness Month #HeartwormAwarenessMonth
National Humor Month #NationalHumorMonth
Want humorous quotes to share on social? Try these funny one-liners.
National Internship Awareness Month #InternshipAwarenessMonth
National Jazz Appreciation Month #JazzAppreciationMonth
National Kite Month #NationalKiteMonth
National Lawn Care Month #LawnCareMonth
National Minority Health Month #NationalMinorityHealthMonth
National Month of Hope #MonthOfHope
National Multiple Birth Awareness Month #MultipleBirthAwarenessMonth
National Parkinson’s Awareness Month #ParkinsonsAwarenessMonth
National Pecan Month #NationalPecanMonth
National Pest Management Month #NationalPestManagementMonth
National Pet Month (UK) #NationalPetMonthUK
National Poetry Month #NationalPoetryMonth
National Rebuilding Month #NationalRebuildingMonth
National Safe Digging Month #NationalSafeDiggingMonth
National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month #SarcoidosisAwarenessMonth
National Sexual Assault Awareness Month #NationalSexualAssaultAwarenessMonth
National Soft Pretzel Month #NationalSoftPretzelMonth
National Soy Foods Month #NationalSoyfoodsMonth
National Sports Eye Safety Month #SportsEyeSafetyMonth
National STD Awareness Month #NationalSTDAwarenessMonth
National Volunteer Month #NationalVolunteerMonth
National Welding Month #NationalWeldingMonth
National Woodworking Month #NationalWoodworkingMonth
National Youth Sports Safety Month #YouthSportsSafetyMonth
Occupational Therapy Month #OccupationalTherapyMonth
Pet First Aid Awareness Month #PetFirstAidAwarenessMonth
Poetic Earth Month #PoeticEarthMonth
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month #PreventionOfCrueltyToAnimalsMonth
Records and Information Management Month #RecordsAndInformationManagementMonth
Rosacea Awareness Month #RosaceaAwarenessMonth
School Library Month #SchoolLibraryMonth
Scottish-American Heritage Month #ScottishAmericanHeritageMonth
Straw Hat Month #StrawHatMonth
Stress Awareness Month #StressAwarenessMonth
Testicular Cancer Awareness Month #TesticularCancerAwarenessMonth
Women’s Eye Health And Safety Month #WomensEyeHealthAndSafetyMonth
Workplace Conflict Awareness Month #WorkplaceConflictAwarenessMonth
World Landscape Architecture Month #WorldLandscapeArchitectureMonth
April 2024 Multi-day Holidays and Observances
Multi-day holidays usually change dates from year to year, and are often pinned down late.
Plus they’re the most likely to have controversy about the correct dates!
Find one here that works for your niche? Before investing time and/or money in a big promotion, I suggest you double-check the dates.
Or you can jump to daily holidays.
Mar 30–Apr 7 Nano Days #NanoDays
Starts the last Saturday in March through the first Sunday in April.
Apr 1–7 International Pooper Scooper Week #InternationalPooperScooperWeek
Apr 1–7 Laugh at Work Week #LaughAtWorkWeek
Apr 1–7 National Bake Week #NationalBakeWeek
Observed for 7 days starting the first Monday in April.
Apr 4–10 National Dental Hygienist Week (Canada) #NDHW
Apr 5–9 National Wildlife Week #NationalWildlifeWeek
Apr 6–7 “Just Pray NO!” to Drugs Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting #JustPrayNo
Varies yearly.
Apr 6–12 Week of the Young Child #WeekOfTheYoungChild
Varies yearly.
Apr 6–14 National Robotics Week #NationalRoboticsWeek
Observed for 9 days starting the Saturday after April 1.
Each in this group is observed the first full week of April.
Apr 7–13 Be Kind to Spiders Week #BeKindToSpidersWeek
Apr 7–13 International Trombone Week #InternationalTromboneWeek
Apr 7–13 National Medic Alert Week #MedicAlert
Apr 7–13 National Public Health Week #NationalPublicHealthWeek
Apr 7–13 National Window Safety Week #NationalWindowSafetyWeek
Apr 7–13 Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week #OHANCAW
Apr 7–13 National Library Week #NationalLibraryWeek
Dates vary yearly.
Apr 8–12 National Cancer Registrars Week #NCRW
Observed for 5 days starting Monday of the first full week in April.
Apr 8–12 Take Your Poet To School Week #TakeYourPoetToSchoolWeek
Observed for 5 days starting Monday of the first full week in April.
Apr 11–15 National Work Zone Awareness Week #NWZAW
Each observance in this group is celebrated during the second full week of April.
Apr 14–20 Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week #AnimalCareAndControlAppreciationWeek
Apr 14–20 National Dog Bite Prevention Week #PreventDogBites
Apr 14–20 National Public Safety Telecommunications Week #NPSTW
Apr 14–20 National Student Employment Week #NSEW
Apr 14–20 Medical Laboratory Professionals Week #MLPW
Dates vary yearly.
Apr 15–19 Undergraduate Research Week #UndergraduateResearchWeek
Varies yearly.
Apr 17–23 National Pet ID Week #NationalPetIDWeek
Apr 19–23* National Environmental Education Week #NEEF
*2024 dates unknown at this time.
Apr 19–28 National Dance Week #NationalDanceWeek
Apr 20–28 National Park Week #NationalParkWeek
Each in this group is observed the third full week of April.
Apr 21–27 Animal Cruelty / Human Violence Awareness Week #AnimalCrueltyHumanViolenceAwarenessWeek
Apr 21–27 Chemists Celebrate Earth Week #ChemistsCelebrateEarthWeek
Apr 21–27 National Coin Week #NationalCoinWeek
Apr 21–27 National Volunteer Week #NationalVolunteerWeek
NOTE: Varies by organization, check locally.
Each in this group is observed the last full week of April.
Apr 21–27 Administrative Professionals Week #AdministrativeProfessionalsWeek
Apr 21–27 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week #NCVRW
Apr 21–27 National Infertility Awareness Week #NationalInfertilityAwarenessWeek
Apr 21–27 National Princess Week #NationalPrincessWeek
Apr 22–26 Every Kid Healthy Week #EveryKidHealthyWeek
Apr 22–26 National Playground Safety Week #SafeAtPlay
Apr 22–29 National Infant Immunization Week #NIIW
Apr 24–30 World Immunization Week #WorldImmunizationWeek
Annually, the last 7 days of April.
Apr 25–27 Gathering of Nations (Pow Wow) #GatheringOfNations
Apr 28–May 4 Go Diaper Free Week #GoDiaperFreeWeek
Observed for 7 days starting the last Sunday in April.
Apr 28–May 4 Preservation Week #PreservationWeek
Apr 28–May 5 Stewardship Week #StewardshipWeek
April 1 Holidays and Observances 2024
It’s more than April Fool’s Day! April 1 is full of celebrations.
Holidays marked * change dates from year to year. Note that some of the graphics included in this article may have been made for a year other than 2024. Be sure to use the dates in the copy for accuracy 🙂
April Fool’s Day #AprilFoolsDay
Need inspiration? Check out these April Fool’s Day quotes and images.
Assyrian New Year #AssyrianNewYear
Fossil Fools Day #FossilFoolsDay
International Edible Book Festival #EdibleBookFestival
International Fun at Work Day #FunAtWorkDay
International Tatting Day #InternationalTattingDay
National Jump In Muddy Puddles Day #NationalJumpInMuddyPuddlesDay
National One Cent Day #NationalOneCentDay
National Sourdough Bread Day #SourdoughBreadDay
National Trombone Players Day #NationalTrombonePlayersDay
Poetry And The Creative Mind Day #PoetryAndTheCreativeMindDay
You might enjoy sharing these creativity quotes.
St. Stupid’s Day #StStupidsDay
Reading Is Funny Day #ReadingIsFunnyDay
*Observed the first Monday of April.
National Fun Day* #NationalFunDay
Sweet Potato Day* #SweetPotatoDay
April 2 Holidays and Observances 2024
International Children’s Book Day #InternationalChildrensBookDay
International Fact Checking Day #FactCheckingDay
Love Your Produce Manager Day #LoveYourProduceManagerDay
National Ferret Day #NationalFerretDay
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day #PeanutButterAndJellyDay
Reconciliation Day #ReconciliationDay
World Autism Awareness Day #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
SAAM Day of Action (Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action)* #SAAMDayOfAction
*SAAM Day of Action is observed the first Tuesday of April.
April 3 Holidays and Observances 2024
American Circus Day #AmericanCircusDay
Don’t Go To Work Unless It’s Fun Day #DontGoToWorkUnlessItsFunDay
Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay
Fish Fingers And Custard Day #FishFingersAndCustardDay
National Chocolate Mousse Day #ChocolateMousseDay
National Film Score Day #NationalFilmScoreDay
Pony Express Day #PonyExpressDay
Tweed Day #TweedDay
World Party Day #WorldPartyDay
*Observed the first Wednesday in April.
Global Day of the Engineer* #GlobalDayOfTheEngineer
National Day of Hope* #NationalDayOfHope
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day* #ParaprofessionalAppreciationDay
Whole Grain Sampling Day* #WholeGrainSamplingDay
April 4 Holidays and Observances 2024
404 Day #404Day
International Carrot Day #InternationalCarrotDay
International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance In Mine Action #InternationalDayForMineAwarenessAndAssistanceInMineAction
Jeep 4×4 Day #Jeep4x4Day
National Cordon Bleu Day #NationalCordonBleuDay
National Hug a Newsperson Day #HugANewspersonDay
National School Librarian Day #SchoolLibrarianDay
National Tell a Lie Day #TellALieDay
Vitamin C Day #VitaminCDay
Walk Around Things Day #WalkAroundThingsDay
World Rat Day #WorldRatDay
National Burrito Day* #NationalBurritoDay
*Observed the first Thursday of April.
April 5 Holidays and Observances 2024
Bell Bottoms Day #BellBottomsDay
First Contact Day #FirstContactDay
Go For Broke Day #GoForBrokeDay
Gold Star Spouses Day #GoldStarSpousesDay
National Caramel Day #NationalCaramelDay
National Dandelion Day #NationalDandelionDay
National Deep Dish Pizza Day #DeepDishPizzaDay
National Flash Drive Day #FlashDriveDay
National Raisin and Spice Bar Day #RaisinAndSpiceBarDay
Read a Road Map Day #ReadARoadMapDay
Poet in a Cupcake Day* #PoetinaCupcakeDay
*Observed Friday of the first M-F week in April.
*Asterisked holidays below are observed on the first Friday in April.
Hospital Admitting Clerks Day* #HospitalAdmittingClerksDay
National Walk to Work Day* #WalkToWorkDay
Student Government Day* #StudentGovernmentDay
April 6 Holidays and Observances 2024
Army Day #ArmyDay
Church Of Latter Day Saints Day #LDSDay
Drowsy Drivers Awareness Day (California) #DrowsyDriversAwarenessDay
Fresh Tomato Day #FreshTomatoDay
International Day of Sport for Development and Peace #IDSDP
Jump Over Things Day #JumpOverThingsDay
National Bookmobile Day #NationalBookmobileDay
National Caramel Popcorn Day #CaramelPopcornDay
National Siamese Cat Day #SiameseCatDay
National Student-Athlete Day #StudentAthleteDay
National Tartan Day #NationalTartanDay
National Twinkie Day #NationalTwinkieDay
National Walking Day #NationalWalkingDay
New Beer’s Eve #NewBeersEve
Plan Your Epitaph Day #PlanYourEpitaphDay
Sorry Charlie Day #SorryCharlieDay
Teflon Day #TeflonDay
World Table Tennis Day #WorldTableTennisDay
*Asterisked holidays in this section are observed the first Saturday in April.
Every Day Is Tag Day* (pets) #EveryDayIsTagDay
International Firewalk Day* #FirewalkDay
National Handmade Day* #NationalHandmadeDay
International Pillow Fight Day* #InternationalPillowFightDay
National DIY Day* #NationalDIYDay
National Love Our Children Day* #NationalLoveOurChildrenDay
Tangible Karma Day* #TangibleKarmaDay
April 7 Holidays and Observances 2024
Empowered Women Entrepreneurs Day #EmpoweredWomenEntrepreneursDay
International Beaver Day #InternationalBeaverDay
International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Rwanda Genocide #InternationalDayOfReflectionOnThe1994RwandaGenocide
Metric System Day #MetricSystemDay
National Beer Day #NationalBeerDay
National Coffee Cake Day #NationalCoffeeCakeDay
National Girl Me Too Day #GirlMeToo
National No Housework Day #NationalNoHouseworkDay
World Health Day #WorldHealthDay
Geologists Day* #GeologistsDay
*Geologists Day always occurs on the first Sunday of April.
April 8 Holidays and Observances 2024
April 8, 2024, is the 100th day of the year! This only holds true in leap years.
Dog Farting Awareness Day #DogFartingAwarenessDay
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day #DrawAPictureOfABirdDay
International Feng Shui Awareness Day #InternationalFengShuiAwarenessDay
International Romani Day #InternationalRomaniDay
National All is Ours Day #NationalAllIsOursDay
National Dog Fighting Awareness Day #NationalDogFightingAwarenessDay
National Empanada Day #NationalEmpadaDay
Step into the Spotlight Day #StepIntoTheSpotlightDay
Zoo Lovers Day #ZooLoversDay
April 9 Holidays and Observances 2024
Appomattox Day #AppomattoxDay
International ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) Day #ASMRDay
National Cherish an Antique Day #CherishAnAntiqueDay
National Chicken Little Awareness Day #NationalChickenLittleAwarenessDay
National Chinese Almond Cookie Day #ChineseAlmondCookieDay
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day #FormerPOWRecognitionDay
National Gin and Tonic Day #NationalGinAndTonicDay
National Name Yourself Day #NationalNameYourselfDay
National Unicorn Day #NationalUnicornDay
National Winston Churchill Day #WinstonChurchillDay
International Be Kind to Lawyers Day* #BeKindToLawyersDays
*Observed the second Tuesday in April.
National Library Workers Day* #NationalLibraryWorkersDay
*Observed Tuesday of National Library Week in April.
April 10 Holidays and Observances 2024
Encourage a Young Writer Day #EncourageAYoungWriterDay
Global Work From Home Day #GlobalWorkFromHomeDay
Golfers Day #GolfersDay
National Cinnamon Crescent Day #CinnamonCrescentDay
National Farm Animals Day #NationalFarmAnimalsDay
National Hug Your Dog Day #NationalHugYourDogDay
Safety Pin Day #SafetyPinDay
Siblings Day #SiblingsDay
International Day of Pink* #InternationalDayOfPink
*Observed the second Wednesday in April.
National Bookmobile Day* #NationalBookmobileDay
*Observed Wednesday of National Library Week in April.
April 11 Holidays and Observances 2024
International Louie Louie Day #InternationalLouieLouieDay
National Barbershop Quartet Day #BarbershopQuartetDay
National Cheese Fondue Day #NationalCheeseFondueDay
National Eight Track Tape Day #EightTrackDay
National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
National Poutine Day (Canada) #NationalPoutineDay
National Ranch Water Day #NationalRanchWaterDay
Submarine Day #SubmarineDay
World Parkinson’s Disease Day #WorldParkinsonsDiseaseDay
National Alcohol Screening Day #AlcoholScreeningDay
*Observed Thursday of the first full week in April.
April 12 Holidays and Observances 2024
Big Wind Day #BigWindDay
Drop Everything And Read Day #DropEverythingAndReadDay
International Day for Street Children #InternationalDayForStreetChildren
International Day of Human Space Flight #InternationalDayOfHumanSpaceFlight
National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day #GrilledCheeseSandwichDay
National Licorice Day #NationalLicoriceDay
National Only Child Day #NationalOnlyChildDay
Walk On Your Wild Side Day #WalkOnYourWildSideDay
Wear a Star Day #WearAStarDay
Yuri’s Night #YurisNight
*Observed the second Friday in April.
GLSEN Day of Silence* #DayofSilence
National Dive Bar Day* #NationalDiveBarDay
April 13 Holidays and Observances 2024
International FND Awareness Day #FNDAwarenessDay
National Make Lunch Count Day #NationalMakeLunchCount
National Peach Cobbler Day #NationalPeachCobblerDay
Scrabble Day #ScrabbleDay
Thomas Jefferson Day #ThomasJeffersonDay
Find more words from Jefferson on this page of freedom quotes.
*The two below are observed the second Saturday in April.
Baby Massage Day* #BabyMassageDay
Slow Art Day* #Slow Art Day
You might want to share a few of these art quotes.
April 14 Holidays and Observances 2024
Children With Alopecia Day #ChildrenWithAlopeciaDay
Ex-Spouse Day #ExSpouseDay
International Moment of Laughter Day #MomentOfLaughterDay
Look up at the Sky Day #LookUpAtTheSkyDay
National Dolphin Day #NationalDolphinDay
National Gardening Day #NationalGardeningDay
National Pecan Day #NationalPecanDay
Pan American Day #PanAmericanDay
Pathologists’ Assistant Day #PathologistsAssistantDay
Reach as High as You Can Day #ReachAsHighAsYouCanDay
Good Deeds Day* #GoodDeedsDay
*Date varies yearly.
April 15 Holidays and Observances 2024
April 15th is also Leonardo da Vinci’s birth date. #DaVinciBirthday
If you’re into art or creativity, you may also enjoy this list of artist birthdays for more dates to celebrate!
Anime Day #AnimeDay
ASL (American Sign Language) Day #ASLDay
Income Tax Day (US)* #TaxDay
*Tax Day always falls on April 15, unless it’s a weekend or holiday.
Jackie Robinson Day #JackieRobinsonDay
McDonald’s Day #McDonaldsDay
Microvolunteering Day #MicrovolunteeringDay
National Glazed Spiral Ham Day #GlazedSpiralHamDay
National Laundry Day #NationalLaundryDay
National Rubber Eraser Day #NationalRubberEraserDay
National That Sucks Day #ThatSucksDay
Purple Up! For Military Kids #PurpleUp
Take a Wild Guess Day #TakeAWildGuessDay
Titanic Remembrance Day #TitanicRemembranceDay
World Art Day #WorldArtDay
*Observed the third Monday in April.
Boston Marathon Day* #BostonMarathon
Patriots’ Day* #PatriotsDay
April 16 Holidays and Observances 2024
Day of the Mushroom #DayOfTheMushroom
Foursquare Day #FoursquareDay
National Bean Counter Day #NationalBeanCounterDay
National Eggs Benedict Day #EggsBenedictDay
National Healthcare Decisions Day #HealthcareDecisionsDay
National Librarian Day #NationalLibrarianDay
National Orchid Day #NationalOrchidDay
National Stress Awareness Day* #NationalStressAwarenessDay
*Observed the day after Income Tax Day.
National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #WearYourPajamasToWorkDay
Save The Elephant Day #SaveTheElephantDay
World Semicolon Day #WorldSemicolonDay
April 17 Holidays and Observances 2024
Bat Appreciation Day #BatAppreciationDay
Blah Blah Blah Day #BlahBlahBlahDay
Ellis Island Family History Day #EllisIslandFamilyHistoryDay
Ford Mustang Day #FordMustangDay
International Haiku Poetry Day #NationalHaikuPoetryDay
Malbec World Day #MalbecWorldDay
National Cheeseball Day #NationalCheeseballDay
National Crawfish Day #NationalCrawfishDay
National Kickball Day #NationalKickballDay
Nothing Like a Dame Day #NothingLikeADameDay
World Hemophilia Day #WorldHemophiliaDay
National Banana Day* #NationalBananaDay
*Observed the third Wednesday in April.
April 18 Holidays and Observances 2024
Adult Autism Awareness Day #AdultAutismAwarenessDay
International Day For Monuments And Sites #InternationalDayForMonumentsAndSites
National Animal Crackers Day #NationalAnimalCrackersDay
National Columnists’ Day #NationalColumnistDay
National Lineman Appreciation Day #ThankaLineman
National Velociraptor Awareness Day #NationalVelociraptorAwarenessDay
Pet Owners Independence Day #PetOwnersIndependenceDay
Piñata Day #PinataDay
World Amateur Radio Day #WorldAmateurRadioDay
Support Teen Literature Day* #SupportTeenLiteratureDay
*Observed Thursday of the second full week in April.
*Observed the third Thursday in April.
College Student Grief Awareness Day* #CollegeStudentGriefAwarenessDay
Get to Know Your Customers Day* #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
International Pizza Cake Day* #InternationalPizzaCakeDay
National Ask An Atheist Day* #AskAnAtheistDay
National DARE Day* #NationalDAREDay
National High Five Day* #HighFiveDay
April 19 Holidays and Observances 2024
Bicycle Day #BicycleDay
Humorous Day #HumorousDay
John Parker Day #JohnParkerDay
National Amaretto Day #NationalAmarettoDay
National Garlic Day #NationalGarlicDay
National Hanging Out Day #NationalHangingOutDay
Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day #OklahomaCityBombingCommemorationDay
Rice Ball Day #RiceBallDay
*Observed the third Friday in April.
Go Fly a Kite Day* #GoFlyAKiteDay
National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day* #CleanOutMedsDay
April 20 Holidays and Observances 2024
Chinese Language Day #ChineseLanguageDay
Lima Bean Respect Day #LimaBeanRespectDay
National Cheddar Fries Day #CheddarFriesNation
National Look Alike Day #NationalLookALikeDay
National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day #PineappleUpsideDownCakeDay
Volunteer Recognition Day #VolunteerRecognitionDay
*Observed the third Saturday in April.
Husband Appreciation Day* #HusbandAppreciationDay
World Circus Day* #WorldCircusDay
April 21 Holidays and Observances 2024
Big Word Day #BigWordDay
British National Tea Day #BritishNationalTeaDay
Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day #BulldogsAreBeautifulDay
Keep Off the Grass Day #KeepOffTheGrassDay
Kindergarten Day #NationalKindergartenDay
National Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day #NationalChocolateCoveredCashewsDay
National Yellow Bat Day #NationalYellowBatDay
San Jacinto Day #SanJacintoDay
Thank You for Libraries Day #ThankYouForLibrariesDay
World Creativity and Innovation Day #WorldCreativityAndInnovationDay
April 22 Holidays and Observances 2024
April Showers Day #AprilShowersDay
Earth Day #EarthDay
In God We Trust Day #InGodWeTrustDay
International Mother Earth Day #InternationalMotherEarthDay
National Girl Scout Leader’s Day #GirlScoutLeadersDay
National Jelly Bean Day #NationalJellyBeanDay
April 23 Holidays and Observances 2024
English Language Day #EnglishLanguageDay
German Beer Day #GermanBeerDay
Impossible Astronaut Day #ImpossibleAstronautDay
International Creator Day #CreatorDay
International Nose Picking Day #InternationalNosePickingDay
Lover’s Day #LoversDay
Movie Theatre Day #MovieTheatreDay
National Cherry Cheesecake Day #CherryCheesecakeDay
National Lost Dog Awareness Day #LostDogAwarenessDay
National Picnic Day #PicnicDay
Saint George’s Day #SaintGeorgesDay
Spanish Language Day #SpanishLanguageDay
Take a Chance Day #TakeAChanceDay
Talk Like Shakespeare Day #TalkLikeShakespeareDay
World Book and Copyright Day #WorldBookAndCopyrightDay
World Book Night #WorldBookNight
World Laboratory Day #WorldLaboratoryDay
School Bus Drivers Day* #SchoolBusDriversDay
*Observed the fourth Tuesday in April.
April 24 Holidays and Observances 2024
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day #ArmenianGenocideRemembranceDay
National Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day #NationalPigsInABlanketDay
New Kids on the Block Day #NewKidsOnTheBlockDay
World Day for Laboratory Animals #WorldDayForLaboratoryAnimals
World Meningitis Day #WorldMeningitisDay
Administrative Professionals Day* #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay
*Observed the Wednesday of Administrative Professionals Week.
*Holidays below are observed the last Wednesday in April.
Denim Day* #DenimDay
International Guide Dog Day* #GuideDogDay
International Noise Awareness Day* #InternationalNoiseAwarenessDay
Stop Food Waste Day* #StopFoodWasteDay
April 25 Holidays and Observances 2024
Anzac Day #AnzacDay
Hairstylist Appreciation Day #HairstylistAppreciationDay
National Crayola Day #CrayolaDay
National DNA Day #DNADay
National East Meets West Day #EastMeetsWestDay
National Hug a Plumber Day #HugAPlumberDay
National Mani-Pedi Day #NationalManiPediDay
National Telephone Day #NationalTelephoneDay
National Zucchini Bread Day #NationalZucchiniBreadDay
Parental Alienation Awareness Day #ParentalAlienationAwarenessDay
Red Hat Society Day #RedHatSocietyDay
World Malaria Day #MalariaDay
World Penguin Day #WorldPenguinDay
Love Your Thighs Day* #LoveYourThighsDay
*Observed the fourth Thursday in April.
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day* #TakeOurChildrenToWorkDay
*Observed the fourth Thursday in April.
Thank You Thursday* #ThankYouThursday
*Observed 6 days before the first Wednesday in May.
April 26 Holidays and Observances 2024
Alien Day #AlienDay
Audubon Day #AudubonDay
Denim Day* #DenimDay
Get Organized Day #GetOrganizedDay
Hug a Friend Day #HugAFriendDay
Hug an Australian Day #HugAnAustralianDay
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day #InternationalChernobylDisasterRemembranceDay
National Dissertation Day #NationalDissertationDay
National Help a Horse Day #NationalHelpAHorseDay
National Kids and Pets Day #NationalKidsAndPetsDay
National Pretzel Day #NationalPretzelDay
National Richter Scale Day #NationalRichterScaleDay
World Intellectual Property Day #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay
*Asterisked holidays below are observed the last Friday in April.
Childcare Professionals Day* #ChildcareProfessionalsDay
National Arbor Day* #NationalArborDay
National Hairball Awareness Day* #HairballAwarenessDay
National Historic Marker Day* #NationalHistoricMarkerDay
April 27 Holidays and Observances 2024
Babe Ruth Day #BabeRuthDay
Marine Mammal Rescue Day #MarineMammalRescueDay
Morse Code Day #MorseCodeDay
National Devil Dog Day #NationalDevilDogDay
National Prime Rib Day #NationalPrimeRibDay
National Teach Children to Save Day* #TeachChildrenToSaveDay
National Tell a Story Day #NationalTellAStoryDay
World Design Day #WorldDesignDay
World Tapir Day #WorldTapirDay
International Marconi Day* #MarconiDay
Observed the closest Saturday to April 25th, Marconi’s birth date.
National Day of Puppetry* #NationalDayOfPuppetry
*Observed the fourth Saturday in April.
*Asterisked holidays below are observed the last Saturday in April.
Bob Wills Day* #BobWillsDay
Eeyore’s Birthday* #EeyoresBirthday
Independent Bookstore Day* #IndependentBookstoreDay
National Go Birding Day* #GoBirdingDay
National Kiss of Hope Day* #NationalKissofHopeDay
National Pool Opening Day* #PoolOpeningDay
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day* #NationalTakeBackDay
National Rebuilding Day* #NationalRebuildingDay
National Sense of Smell Day* #SenseOfSmellDay
Save the Frogs Day* #SaveTheFrogsDay
World Healing Day* #WorldHealingDay
World Tai Chi and Qigong Day* #WorldTaiChiAndQigongDay
World Veterinary Day* #WorldVeterinaryDay
April 28 Holidays and Observances 2024
Biological Clock Day #BiologicalClockDay
Clean Comedy Day #CleanComedyDay
Great Poetry Reading Day #GreatPoetryReadingDay
Kiss Your Mate Day #KissYourMateDay
National Blueberry Pie Day #BlueberryPieDay
National BraveHearts Day #NationalBraveHeartsDay
National Cubicle Day #NationalCubicleDay
National Superhero Day #NationalSuperheroDay
Pay It Forward Day #PayItForwardDay
Workers’ Memorial Day #WorkersMemorialDay
World Day for Safety and Health at Work #WorldDayForSafetyAndHealthAtWork
*Asterisked holidays below are observed the last Sunday of April.
Mother Father Deaf Day* #MotherFatherDeafDay
National Pet Parents Day* #NationalPetParentsDay
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day* #PinholePhotographyDay
April 29 Holidays and Observances 2024
Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare #DayOfRemembranceForAllVictimsOfChemicalWarfare
International Dance Day #DanceDay
National Peace Rose Day #NationalPeaceRoseDay
The perfect day to share rose quotes!
National Shrimp Scampi Day #NationalShrimpScampiDay
Viral Video Day #ViralVideoDay
We Jump the World Day #WeJumpTheWorldDay
World Wish Day #WorldWishDay
Zipper Day #ZipperDay
April 30 Holidays and Observances 2024
Adopt a Shelter Pet Day #AdoptAShelterPetDay
Bugs Bunny Day #BugsBunnyDay
Day of the Child #DayOfTheChild
International Jazz Day #JazzDay
National Animal Advocacy Day #NationalAnimalAdvocacyDay
National Bubble Tea Day #NationalBubbleTeaDay
National Hairstylist Appreciation Day #HairstylistAppreciationDay
National Honesty Day #NationalHonestyDay
National Military Brats Day #NationalMilitaryBratsDay
National Mr. Potato Head Day #NationalMrPotatoHeadDay
National Oatmeal Cookie Day #NationalOatmealCookieDay
National PrepareAthon! Day #NationalPrepareAthonDay
National Raisin Day #NationalRaisinDay
National Sarcoidosis Day #NationalSarcoidosisDay
Spank Out Day #SpankOutDay
Awesome April!
I hope you’ve found a number of interesting April holidays you can’t wait to share as Instagram post ideas and engaging Facebook content fans love.
For a shower of engagement, use easy design tools to concoct engaging graphics. Here are a couple resources to help you make picture quotes online, or use apps to add text to photos.
Be sure to pin the image below to Pinterest so you can come back for more.
And check out my mega roundup of social media holidays for the entire year!
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