Here are the top 20 blue hex color codes and RGB values.
These will cover the most important different shades you’ll need.
The table contains color swatches to visualize the blue values. These are followed by the color name, hex code, and RGB color code.
Plus there’s a handy color chart you can pin!
Let’s dive into blue.
True Blue Color Code
Blue is one of the three primary colors, which in RGB colors are red, green, and blue.
The RGB color space is used by any type of display monitor – computer, TV, mobile device – which employs red, green, and blue light to create all the colors the human eye can see.
Pure blue is one of the web safe colors and is represented by the #0000FF color hex. This means that red and green light make 0% of this color while blue light is fully on.
In a similar sense, the RGB numbers are 0, 0, 255. No red, no green, all the blue component.
Fortunately, since blue is such a popular color, there are many more blues from which to choose!
Pure blue, aka blue 1, color swatch:
20 Blue Color Codes
Check out the exact colors in the swatches, then the color numbers.
The easiest way to grab these for your web page or design projects is to copy the hexadecimal numbers and paste it in where you need it.
Color | Color Name | Hex | (RGB) |
Blue | #0018F9 | (0, 24, 249) | |
Yale Blue | #0E4C92 | (14, 76, 146) | |
Pigeon Blue | #7285A5 | (114, 133, 165) | |
Sky Blue | #95C8D8 | (149, 200, 216) | |
Independence | #4D516D | (77, 81, 109) | |
Air Force Blue | #598BAF | (89, 139, 175) | |
Baby Blue | #89CFEF | (137, 207, 239) | |
Navy Blue | #000080 | (0, 0, 128) | |
Steel Blue | #4682B4 | (70, 130, 180) | |
Carolina Blue | #57A0D2 | (87, 160, 210) | |
Turkish Blue | #5097A4 | (80, 151, 164) | |
Maya Blue | #73C2FB | (115, 194, 251) | |
Cornflower Blue | #6693F5 | (102, 147, 245) | |
Olympic Blue | #008ECC | (0, 142, 204) | |
Sapphire | #0F52BA | (15, 82, 186) | |
Azure | #0080FE | (0, 128, 254) | |
Egyptian Blue | #1134A6 | (17, 52, 166) | |
Denim Blue | #131E3A | (19, 30, 58) | |
Prussian Blue | #003151 | (0, 49, 81) | |
Space Blue | #1C2951 | (28, 41, 81) |
You might want to check out more blue color names on our color thesaurus.
There are hundreds more blue hex codes, since blue is the most popular choice of favorite colors.
No wonder blue jeans became a favorite attire!
Blues are also a popular choice for branding, with many companies using it as their official color.
Need help picking a specific shade? You can find out more about how to choose business colors.
For more blue specs, check out:
You’ll find these similar shades on one of those pages:
- Powder Blue
- Steel Blue
- Tiffany Blue
- Midnight Blue
- Dark Slate
- Dark Turquoise
There are really too many similar colors to list! Blue is such an important color in popular culture.
Pin the chart below to Pinterest! You can buy a high resolution printable poster at
To learn more, check out the meaning of the color blue.
Temitope says
I love every bit of it…great job