Love Light Blue hex codes?
There are so many to choose from!
Check out 35 pale blues so you can get just the perfect pastel:
- Hex code and RGB for the color named Light Blue.
- Web-safe Light Blue hex code and RGB values.
- 9 Light Blue tints, for prettier pastels.
- 5 hues similar to Light Blue, for even more options.
- 7 uplifting Sky Blues.
- 4 muted Gray Blues.
- 8 Light Blue shades that dive into deep.
Let’s love the light blues!
What Color Is Light Blue?
Light Blue is a pale blue.
In pigments, it can be mixed from blue with a lot of white (or water) added to lighten the color.
In RGB, it’s made of mostly blue light, with a lot of red and green to make it a light tint.
It’s a peaceful, calming, and classic color that’s sure to soothe, instead of ruffling feathers.
Below you’ll also find many options for this named hue of Light Blue.
What’s the Hex Code for Light Blue?
Light Blue has the hex code #ADD8E6.
Its RGB values are 173,216,230. In CMYK printing, spec 32, 0, 1, 0.
Light Blue Color Swatch |
Web Safe Light Blue
Web-safe colors are easily recognized by their matched hex pairs. The hex for web-safe Light Blue is #99CCFF. It can also be specified as #9CF.
Its RGB values are 153,153,255.
Web Safe Light Blue Color Swatch |
9 Hex Codes for Tints of Light Blue
A tint is a lighter version of a color. In pigments, it’s made by adding white. Online, we just add more light!
Check these out from closest to Light Blue to lightest tint.
#b5dbe8 |
#bddfeb |
#c5e3ed |
#cde7f0 |
#d6ebf2 |
#deeff5 |
#e6f3f7 |
#eef7fa |
#f6fbfc |
Find more of the absolute lightest tints on this page of 70 white color codes.
5 More Light Blue Hex Codes
Here are 5 colors similar to Light Blue. I’ve arranged them from palest to less pale.
Here’s the palest blue: Alice Blue.
Hex: #F0F8FF
RGB: (240, 248, 255)
CMYK: 0.058, 0.027, 0, 0
Alice Blue Color Swatch |
Lighter than Light Blue is Water.
Hex: #CAE9F5
RGB: (202, 233, 245)
CMYK: 0.175, 0.048, 0, 0.039
Water Color Swatch |
Powder Blue is the closest hue to Light Blue.
RGB: (175, 220, 235)
CMYK: 0.255, 0.063, 0, 0.078
Powder Blue Color Swatch |
Baby Blue is a clear blue with the hex code #89CFF0.
You can spec it in RGB as 137, 207, 240, or in CMYK with 43, 14, 0, 6.
Baby Blue Color Swatch |
Pale Blue (Light Turquoise) is a greenish light blue, with an equal amount of green and blue light along with some red. Spec it with the hex code #AFEEEE.
Pale Blue (Light Turquoise) Color Swatch |
For more light green-blues, check out these aqua color codes.
7 Sky Blue Hex Codes
If you’re looking for a sky blue, you have many choices.
Italian Sky Blue is the lightest sky blue. It’s commonly called Celeste, and is more of an aqua blue.
Its hex is #B2FFFF and its RGB values are 178,255,255.
Celeste (Italian Sky Blue) Color Swatch |
Light Sky Blue is a clear, true light blue.
Use #87cefa to specify Light Sky Blue in hex, or 135,206,250 for RGB.
Light Sky Blue Color Swatch |
Medium Sky Blue is a medium-light greenish blue. It would look great as a midtone to Light Turquoise or Italian Sky Blue.
Its hex code is #80daeb and RGB values are 128,218,235.
Medium Sky Blue Color Swatch |
Try Sky Blue for a classic, uplifting light blue.
Sky Blue claims #87ceeb as its hex code, and 135,206,235 as its RGB values.
Sky Blue Color Swatch |
Deep Sky Blue is a brilliant, medium-light blue with no red at all.
Call it out in hex as #00bfff or 0,191,255 in RGB.
Deep Sky Blue Color Swatch |
Dark Sky Blue is a muted tone that would make a great complement to Sky Blue, above.
Hex: #86C5D8
RGB: (134, 197, 216)
CMYK: 0.379, 0.087, 0, 0.152
Dark Sky Blue Color Swatch |
French Sky Blue is a strong hue that’s almost a tint of Cornflower Blue.
The hex for this one is #77b5fe. In RGB, it’s 119,181,254.
French Sky Blue Color Swatch |
You can find lots more blue hues on the page of blue color codes.
Gray Blue Color Codes
Tone it down with these grayed blues.
Light Steel Blue has the hex code #B0C4DE. Spec it in RGB as 176,196,222.
Light Steel Blue Color Swatch |
Pastel Blue is close but a bit greener with the hex numbers #AEC6CF and RGB 174, 198, 207.
For CMYK printing, call out 16, 4, 0, 19.
Pastel Blue Color Swatch |
Misty Blue is the grayest one here.
Hex code: #A0AFB7
RGB: 160, 175, 183
CMYK: 13, 4, 0, 28
Misty Blue Color Swatch |
Blue Gray is, oddly, not nearly as gray as Misty Blue. I picture this one as a shadow tone for French Sky Blue.
In hex, it’s #6699CC. For RGB, 40, 60, 80, and CMYK 50, 25, 0, 20. Lots of Magenta in this one!
Blue Gray Color Swatch |
You can find more muted tones on the page of gray color codes.
8 Hex Codes for Shades of Light Blue
A shade is a darker version of a color. In pigments, it’s made by adding black. Online, we reduce the light.
These are based on the original Light Blue with the hex code #ADD8E6, but quickly move into gray blue to cool charcoal shades. Any of these would be excellent to combine with the tints of Light Blue for a calming, monochromatic design.
We’ll line these up from closest to Light Blue to darkest shade.
#9bc2cf |
#o8aacb8 |
#7997a1 |
#67818a |
#566c73 |
#45565c |
#334045 |
#222b2e |
Find more of the deepest shades on the page of black color codes.
Lovely Light Blues
Now you’re armed with all the Light Blue hex numbers and RGB values. Which will you choose?
To pick the right color to combine with Light Blue, check out color meanings.
Dark blue shades are a soothing choice!
For a softer counterpoint, go with pale greens.
Dive deep into colors with:
What your favorite color says about you
Why understanding color is important
Or check this page for an index to all the hex codes for colors!
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